Friday 12 August 2016

Lake Of Dilemma

•In the deep deep lake of dilemma, I die;
Everyday I laugh and everyday I cry.
What to do and what not to, I could never decide;
I know I had thousand times lied;
Because if I hadn't I was afraid;
That my dreams won't be allowed to pursued.
•In the deep deep lake of dilemma, I die;
Everyday I laugh and everyday I cry.
I was ardent, I must say;
And to fulfil my desire, there was only one way;
To leave my past far behind,
And the people who cared for me all the time.
•In the deep deep lake of dilemma, I die;
Everyday I laugh and everyday I cry.
"shall I go and never return?"
That was a question of my concern.
I knew I would never be able to see,
My friends and my family.
Still I would go on to be what I want to be.
•In the deep deep lake of dilemma, I die;
Everyday I laugh and everyday I cry.
Either to be with the people I know;
Or to follow and let go.
I had to different paths to choose;
Whichever I choose I will always loose.
•In the deep deep lake of dilemma, I die;
Everyday I laugh and everyday I cry.
I wish I could choose both.
But I had to take one which I loathe.
I had to go and choose a path;
So I let go of my pasth(past misspelt to rhyme with path).
•Why is it so?
Why on both, I couldn't go?
Why couldn't I take both the ways?
I still haven't seen my clan for years, months and days.
•What I did was it wrong or right,
I don't know, but my decision I regret every night.
In the deep deep lake of dilemma, I die;
Everyday I laugh and everyday I cry.